Frequently Asked Questions
What People Are Asking
We created our platform as an informative and engaging tool for the entire community. To make your experience even better, we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions and answers below.
Take a look and get in touch if you can't find what your looking for, please reach out to us.
(By the way, you're awesome!)
Question #1: Can I do everything on the site without being a member?
Answer: A non-member can only see which features are offerred on the site, however, becoming a member allows you to post, respond, and connect with other teachers. As well, there may be certain sections that are locked to non-members (remember, we want this site to be for teachers only!)
There are definite advantages to becoming a member (and it's FREE!)
You can receive updates, announcements and special offers for teachers only.
You can view a history of your postings in blogs, forums, etc.
You can communicate with other teachers with the same interests (in teaching or otherwise)
Question #2: Is everything on the site FREE? How does the site make money?
Answer: Yes, all features of the site are FREE and always will be!
In the future, we may offer some teacher promotional items for sale (shirts, mugs), and possibly some digital teacher-created products.
Other than that, any money the site earns will be from advertisements or affiliate marketing for items or services that we recommend (assuming teachers find them useful and purchase items through these affiliates).
Teachers will never be asked for a credit card or any payment to use all the features of the site. We only ask that you join as a free member so that you can enjoy all the free perks that come with it!
Also, we will never sell any teacher information to any third parties. This site and all the information is for teacher members exclusively.
(Think of TCT as a private facebook for teachers only, except we don't use, share, or sell your data)
Question #3: Is a big company behind this site?
Actually, the site is the idea of the creator and founder, me, Frederick Rogers.
I have been a teacher for 29 years at the high school level, teaching math, technical design, and some science. I have always dabbled in computer software and had a dream to make a platform for teachers to communicate and share ideas with each other, regardless of which school district or state they were teaching.
So far, I have only found communication platforms that are overseen by school boards, so any teacher that uses them are exposing their comments to their employer. The teachers were also limited to communicating with other teachers within their school board only, unless an outside address was shared with them. I want to connect every teacher in the country on one platform.
This platform is a 1-person company right now. If it grows, I can hire more experts and offer even more teacher-only benefits to my fellow colleagues.
My goal is to build this teacher platform so that it can reach teachers everywhere, offering them special discounts, services and teacher only communication that belongs to them.